in the Southern Asia-Pacific Region

Monthly Phases

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
Phase 1

Ground Preparation

The foundational phase focused on spiritual preparation through prayer, fasting, and communion services. Church members receive training in effective care group leadership, personal witnessing, and Bible study techniques. This phase also includes community outreach through medical missions, health seminars, and other service programs.

Phase 2

Local Churches Evangelistic Meetings

Every local church conducts evangelistic meetings led by church elders, officers, and lay members. Each church has the flexibility to organize one or more evangelism meetings, empowering local leadership to reach their immediate communities.

Phase 3

Community Reaping Efforts

District and church pastors conduct focused evangelistic reaping campaigns in their territories. This phase leverages the groundwork laid in previous months to bring interested individuals to decision through organized evangelistic meetings.

Phase 4

Institutional Commitment

Officers and directors from SSD, Unions, and institutions (healthcare, education, publishing) conduct evangelistic meetings. This phase demonstrates the whole-organization commitment to evangelism, utilizing institutional resources and leadership.

Phase 5

Mission and Conference Reaping Efforts

Conference and mission officers, directors, and support staff conduct simultaneous reaping campaigns, including a Philippine-wide online evangelism program. This phase represents a coordinated, territory-wide effort to reach people through multiple channels.

Phase 6

Simultaneous Harvest Celebrations

Districts and areas hold celebration events to welcome newly baptized members and recognize workers and church members involved in Harvest 2025. This phase includes commitment ceremonies for new members and receiving special offerings for church building projects.

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